First Christian Reformed Church


First Christian Reformed Church- Thunder Bay was organized in November 1950  and is part of the denomination called Christian Reformed.  This congregation is strongly Calvinistic, that is, Bible based.  It believes that God rules the universe and the lives of people.  People, although sinful before God, are saved by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ.  Christian people who know and love Jesus Christ live their lives for Him.

His Word is central to the worship service. The purpose of worship is to praise God by song, prayer, and to hear His Word. The preaching is from the Bible. The Bible is the Spirit inspired and infallible Word.

Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. Sundays
Location: 9 Cooper Rd., Rosslyn, ON    P7K 0E2
Mailing Address: 572 W. Arthur St., P.O. Box 32007 Thunder Bay, ON    P7E 0A1
